How to run effective meetings

Fundamental notion - "Be respectful of each others' time"

As a Host -

WHO shall I invite? Try to answer these questions -

  • Who's impacted by the meeting agenda

  • Who will be the key contributors - primary: attend now (& secondary: attend at a later stage)

WHY should they attend? Provide background information -

  • Add an agenda - a statement or an ask or a formal list of items

  • Add related resources - a presentation, document, links, etc.

  • Goal - a statement on what you would like to achieve by the end of the meeting

Host Tips -

Before sending invite -

  • Contact some attendees in advance (via internal chat app) if you feel they might not be fully aware of the meeting topic/agenda etc.

  • Where applicable, give enough notice to attendees so they can review the related resources, ask questions and are prepared before the meeting.

During the meeting -

  • Reiterate the agenda and confirm if attendees read the information provided.

  • Make notes on key decisions, next steps, etc. (designate a person if you can for note-taking)

  • Record the meeting (if necessary)

After the meeting -

  • Share the notes with all attendees

  • Share recording with all attendees (if applicable)

As an Attendee -

WHY am I invited or WHY should I attend?

  • If you know why from the agenda & information provided - ACCEPT

  • If you are not sure - DO NOT ACCEPT YET. But ask the host in a direct conversation (via internal chat app), then decide.

  • If you are sure your involvement is not necessary at this stage, reply - NO & offer a comment directly to the host.

Attendee Tips -

Before the meeting -

  • Read the agenda, resources, goal provided. If not clear, then connect with the host in a direct conversation (via internal chat app)

During the meeting -

  • If in the first 15-20mins, you feel that your presence is not going to add value, then share the specific reason with the host (such as, early involvement, not prepared, etc.) and leave the call. You will not be offending the host or other attendees.

  • If you didn’t prepare due to other priorities, but still would like to contribute and add value, then make the host aware and be respectful of the time you spend asking questions which might have been answered in the resources provided.

After the meeting -

  • If applicable, provide feedback to the host if you felt that the meeting goals were achieved or if there could be improvements in certain areas.

General Tips -

During the meeting -

  • Sharing screen - turn notifications off (Chat app/Chrome/WhatsApp/others) or at least hide message preview in notifications.